Plantillas Joomla Gratis by FatCow Hosting Review

UFR de Strasbourg





Université de Strasbourg

Type de diplôme


Intitulé du diplôme

Prostgraduate program in periodontology


Pr Olivier Huck, Dr Catherine Petit

Coordinateur pédagogique



3 ans

Temps plein/partiel

Temps plein

Volume horaire

32 heures par semaine

Contenu théorique/clinique

Clinical Performance

                    Every week students must manage and treat various periodontal cases

                    Each case will be discussed and planned with the supervisor

                    At the end of the program, each student will be required to complete at least:

                    20 implant placements including surgical and prosthetic procedures

                    25 advanced periodontal cases including surgical procedures, prosthetic and/or orthodontic treatment, and implant placement

                    100 surgical procedures (access surgery, osseous surgery, muco­gingival procedures, crown lengthening)

                    5 full documented clinical cases must be presented, according to the EFP Board exam


During the three years, program activities apart from clinic consist of:

                    Case presentations and discussion of scientific literature among students and teaching tutors

                    Practical workshops (sutures, clinical management of patients, ... )

                    Seminars with other departments and invited international lecturers

                    Participation in National and International Congresses


Research Project

                    Each student will carry out an individual research project, either in basic sciences related to periodontology or a clinical research project

                         Each student will discuss and update the research project with the supervisor

Théorique/ clinique

Théorique et clinique



Pré requis

Diplôme de docteur en chirurgie dentaire ou équivalent


Admissions before 15th May require:

Motivational Letter, Curriculum Vitae, Academic Merits


Candidates Evaluation in June:

Multiple choice questions at an undergraduate level in Periodontology and lmplantology, Translation of an abstract of a scientific article from English to French Personal Interview

Accessible aux internes MBD



6.500€/ year

Prochain recrutement



Further information for applications and subscription can be obtained by email: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.



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